Empowering the individual

The engagement of participants in a virtual workshop is often directly proportional to its immediate relevance to the challenges they are facing in their daily work and to the objectives that are being set for them by the organization. The action plan brings discussion and reflection on how to impact these issues into the heart of each Illustra workshop. Available on line after the workshop it ensures that this process of learning goes on long after the workshop has finished. It also provides a framework within which participants can practice, experiment innovate and share what they are discovering and learning with management and colleagues.        

The participants individual action plan is a dynamic catalyst for change and innovation

In today’s digital marketplaces successful entrepreneurs typically “think big, start small, and learn quickly”. The action based learning technologies embodied in the illustra breakout environment integrate this lean start-up approach into individual and organizational learning. They are enabling organizations to build business driven action learning into a wide variety of development programs; promoting fast innovation and leveraging collective intelligence across the organization.


 An application that travels with individual participants as they move through a program and that they can use online after the program or workshop

  • It’s where they plan how they’re going to use what they are learning to have an impact on the business

  • They can access these plans online outside of the workshops – so they become a living tool to help them implement what they have learned and where they can record their successes and challenges

  • We can monitor their progress as they apply what they have learned  for periods of weeks or months after the workshops

  •  It enables us to turn every training into an action learning program that is designed to impact targeted business objectives